Friday, April 30, 2010

Restarting the blog

Charge to 300. CLEAR! *whoosh* IT'S ALIIIIIIVE!!!

OK, I'm going to restart this blog. Why? I have a ton going on in my personal and professional life, and I want to share all the news with you. So what's new? I've moved in with my boyfriend of 7 months. Then three days later, on April 16, he proposed. We've set "the date" for October 9, 2010.

In the mean time, I've gotten a side job at the new Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts on Almaden and 85 as their jewelry instructor. It really came out of the the blue, and I jumped at the chance. I'll post my class schedule and samples as soon as I have pictures.

If that's not enough, I've made new jewelry for Cranberry Hill Mercantile and Cottage Crafts Boutique. There's a cupcake necklace, cupcake earrings, Swarovski crystal necklace/earring/bracelet sets, and other new items. Plus, I'm selling some extra Czech glass beads at Cranberry Hill. You'll find a complete selection of 4mm and 6mm firepolished beads, round (druk), rectangles, ovals, glass pearls, and more. Coming soon are bell flowers and leaves.

Well, that's it for this post. Check back soon for all the latest news and bling. :D


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